
Understanding Different Types of Software Testing: Functional, Regression, and Performance Testing

Understanding Different Types of Software Testing Functional, Regression, and Performance Testingd document
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Understanding Different Types of Software Testing: Functional, Regression, and Performance Testing


Software testing is a process that is especially executed in software to find errors. Different Types of Software Testing are used for this process. For the software to work properly and efficiently, it’s necessary to ensure that they are free from all errors and bugs. Successful testing of software will result in removing all the errors from it. There are various principles and targets of tests in software that are required for successful results. A software test should always meet the needs of the customers or users. Software testing is always started with small parts and later extends to bigger ones. A third party is recommended for the process of software testing. An optimal amount of software tests is required to check for risks and errors in the software. Some different types of software tests include functional, regression, unit testing, spike testing, and performance tests. Let’s learn about system testing (software testing) in detail!

Regression Testing

Regression testing is a type of software testing. This test ensures that changes made to the processing software, such as updates, additional features, etc., do not introduce new errors or bugs. It also makes sure that there is no breakage in the existing system. This software test is mainly done after making new changes or improvements in the software, which can include improving bugs or new features. It is used to make sure that the software is working as expected.
The introduction of new bugs and challenges is identified with the help of a regression test. It is also used to determine system performance and make sure that the software is working at its full efficiency after the changes are made. The overall stability, as well as the reliability of the software, can be detected with the help of a regression test. A regression test is also an ongoing process that should be done throughout the software development procedure. Sometimes a regression test is also an automatic test and process in software because it saves a lot of time as well as resources instead of being a manual testing procedure. It makes sure that every single component of the software works perfectly after changing the codes, configuration, features, performance, etc. There are a few ways of performing regression tests.

  • A process of comparison is used as a part of regression testing. It compares the new version of the software with the old software versions. It is used to ensure that the new software version is not creating any functionality issues.
  • A process of retesting is used as a part of a regression test. In this process, a whole application of software or a specific application of the software is tested to make sure there is no difference in functionality. These applications are those parts in which the changes were made.

Performance Testing

The performance test is a type of test that is used to check integrated software and systems. This test is specially used to check the software’s run time and endurance testing. The speed and effectiveness of software or program are checked with the help of a performance test. Another name for which the performance test is known as the loading test. The expected load and performance issues generated by a software’s performance are tested in performance testing. Various processor cycles are also checked by performance testing. It is used to test whether the software is working as expected or not. Different types of performance tests are soak testing, stress testing, capacity testing, load testing, and volume testing. Different factors, like speed, system performance, stability, response times, etc., are determined.

Functional Testing

The business requirements of the software as well as the application, are checked with the help of functional tests. Functional tests do not check the intermediate processes or states. In addition, they are used to check the outputs expected by the states or processes in the software. Multiple components are required for functional tests. But sometimes, people need clarification on functional and integration tests together. This is because they both require components to complete the process. But an integrated test is only used to check whether the output is coming or not from the software. However, a functional test is used to check a specific outcome that is expected from the software or process. Product requirements expect these specific outcomes. In other words, the outputs received should be consistent.

Consequences of Inadequate Testing

The following are the consequences of inadequate testing:

  • Regression Testing: Even though a regression test is time-consuming and is required to take place every time the code is changed, it is still necessary to perform in software. For example, the software is updated with new features. But the elements have also caused new bugs in the software. This can cause the failure of various processes and components existing in the software. A typical example can be seen through the bugs that are faced by people when an app is updated with new features. A regression test is performed multiple times in order to remove these bugs. Inadequate testing can also cause the failure of the software.
  • Performance Testing: Inadequate performance testing can cause various websites and apps to crash. A common real word example of inadequate performance testing can be seen as the crashing of banking apps. Major trafficking can cause various bugs in the software, which can crash the apps and applications. A failure of performance testing can also cause portals of various websites, such as health care portals or government portals, to fail and crash.
  • Functional Testing: As business requirements are kept in check with the help of functional testing, any inadequate performance of functional tests can lead to business outrages and the leaking of credential information. A real-world example of inadequate functional tests is the Yahoo data leak of September 22, 2016. The credentials data of more than 500 million people was leaked due to data breaches caused by Yahoo.

Some common consequences of inadequate testing include bad user experience and negative attention towards software and organization.

How our online software QA testing course teaches students to conduct different types of software testing effectively?

It is essential to know the importance and goals of different types of software testing to perform them and check existing functional components adequately. When a test is performed in software, it mustn’t break its functionality or leak the data. Before performing a test, the consequences of inadequate tests should be kept in mind. What if the test is not completed and is left in between? What if the test is not performed satisfactorily? What if a test has introduced new bugs in the system? There are many of these questions to which the answers should be thought of in advance. A perfectly performed test helps to bring successful results and check the vast limits of the application. And finally, different types of software tests are also made from simple codes, so remember to learn their importance. That’s why our online software QA testing course teaches students to conduct different types of software testing effectively. Don’t forget to enroll in the online QA testing course and master the skill of QA testing!

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